
Hapu serebii
Hapu serebii

hapu serebii

Sun feels she loved her grandfather, and decides to accompany her. Hapu states he always looked after the people and Pokémon of Poni Island, and always wanted to help, hence why he was always observant and trained himself constantly. Sun sees this is why she wanted to become an Island Kahuna. Hapu is annoyed at Sun being dimwitted, for she simply wants to visit her grandfather's grave at Vast Poni Canyon, for he was an Island Kahuna, too. Sun has Machamp grab Hapu, thinking she would commit suicide. Much to Sun's shock, she states they have died. Hapu wants to tell someone she has been promoted to an Island Kahuna, but they are not on Poni Island. She asks what will Sun do now, who is uncertain, since Hala is busy and he wants to give the Mirage Berry to Tapu Koko, and he can't use other Ride Pokémon, either. Sun confirms that the Ultra Beasts have arrived on Melemele Island, and Hapu sees she can only wish her colleagues luck. Hapu simply states these three are the ones that can craft Z-Rings out of Sparkling Stones, and she doesn't feel like an Island Kahuna without that item. Sun is outraged to hear he won't get a reward. Hapu cannot contact the other Island Kahuna. Faba uses his dirty tricks to get Cosmoem, but is stopped by Moon and Anabel. She wants to know where Guzma is, and shows Cosmoem, who sent her leader into the unknown. Faba, who came there to execute his plans, is confronted by Plumeria. Sun joins Hapu, as they go to the Vast Poni Canyon. Solgaleo, Lunala, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Kartana Battle in Vast Poni Canyon ‎ (対決!!ポニのだいきょうこく!, Showdown!! The Great Canyon of Poni!) is the 4th chapter of Pokémon Adventures: Volume 4 (S&M). Gladion's Type: Null, Lillie's Cosmog, Guzma's Cosmog, Tapu Lele, Guzzlord, Nihilego, Celesteela Pokémon appearing as silhouettes and fantasies 54 Mudsdale.Sun's Meowth (Alolan), Sun's Crabominable, Poké Ride's Machamp, Moon's Rowlet, Moon's Mareanie, Moon's Grimer (Alolan), Moon's Grubbin, Gladion's Silvally, Lillie's Cosmoem, Guzma's Cosmoem, Hapu's Mudsdale, Hapu's Golurk, Hapu's Flygon, Hapu's Gastrodon, Plumeria's Salazzle, Faba's Hypno, Anabel's Salamence, Aether Foundation Employee's Lileep, Aether Foundation Employee's Magneton, Aether Foundation Employee's Raticate (Alolan), Aether Foundation Employee's Vanilluxe, Aether Foundation Employee's Ledian (2x), Aether Foundation Employee's Sliggoo, Aether Foundation Employee's Lumineon, Miltank, Tauros, Petilil, Cottonee, Xurkitree Pokémon appearing in flashbacks She specializes in Ground-type Pokémon, so Water and Grass-type are best. Make your way to the top and challenge Hapu to a battle. Heal up, then head south on the docks and speak to the man here to go back to Exeggutor Island.

hapu serebii

Kahuna HapuĮxit the house for a cutscene. Afterward, Mina will reward you with Fairium Z. As always, target it before its ally Pokémon. It's a Fairy/Bug-type, so plan accordingly. She'll give you the Rainbow Flower and a battle with a Lv. Continue to Mina's house and speak with her once again. He'll give you the Purple Petal (you'll have to defeat him in battle in Ultra Moon). Head to the Aether House and you'll be stopped for cutscene with Guzma and Hau. After winning, Sophocles will give you the Yellow Petal. Speak to Sophocles, who will challenge you to a battle (in Ultra Moon, he just gives you the petal). Heal up then head into Hokulani Observatory and continue through the doors. You'll be given the Red Petal for your achievements. After winning, you'll also need to defeat Hiker David and his Lv. Kiawe will soon appear and challenge you to a battle. Speak to the lady to the right of the gate to heal your team.

hapu serebii

KiaweĪgree to head to Wela Volcano Park with the gals. After the battle, you'll get both the Green Petal and Blue Petal. Agree to battle Mallow (Lana in Ultra Moon) here. Heal up your team and head to Lush Jungle. Approach Illima by a gravestone to battle him. During a cutscene, Hau will give you a Max Elixir. Heal up, then head east to the graveyard. Illimaįly to the southern portion of Route 2 on Melemele Island. After winning, you'll receive a Pink Petal. Speak with her again in her house to begin her trial. Speak with Mina and agree to follow her back to Seafolk Village.

Hapu serebii